Bachelor’s Dental Hygiene Classes

Total semester hours: 120

Program requirements

Course Credits
DHYG 123 Oral Anatomy and Embryology 4
DHYG 124 Dental Radiology 3
DHYG 127 Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist 3
DHYG 129 Clinical Practice I 4
DHYG 130 Clinical Practice II 4
DHYG 140 Introduction to Periodontology 2
DHYG 222 Dental Public Health I 3
DHYG 227 Clinical Practice III 4.5
DHYG 228 Clinical Practice IV 5
DHYG 230 Local Anesthesia 1.5
DHYG 232 Dental Public Health II 1
DHYG 233 Oral and General Histo-Pathology 3
DHYG 241 Periodontology 2
DHYG 250 Dental Materials 3
DHYG 301 Dental Hygiene Practice Management 3
DHYG 302 Instructional Strategies for the Health Professional 3
DHYG 303 Advanced Clinical Concepts 3
DHYG 304 Dental Hygiene Internship 3-6
DHYG 305 Dental Hygiene Research 4
DHYG 315 Statistical Reasoning 3
DHYG 201 Summer Clinic 1
HSCI 230 Fundamentals of Nutrition 2
Total 66-69

General education requirements

Course Credits
BIOL 106/106L Elementary Microbiology and Lab 4
BIOL 113/113L Anatomy and Physiology I and Lab 4
BIOL 114/114L Anatomy and Physiology II and Lab 4
SOSC Social Sciences Core 3
CHEM 113/113L Introductory Chemistry and Lab 4
CAPS 390 Senior Seminar 3
ENGL 101 Academic Writing 3
FA Fine Arts Core 3
HUM Humanities Core 6
FYS 101 First Year Seminar 3
MATH 103 Intro to College Algebra 3
PSYC 103 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC 101 Principles of Sociology 3
HUSV 201 Introduction to Counseling OR
MKTG 205 Principles of Marketing 3
Electives 5
Total 54

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