
Survivors of sexual assault have many different reactions. It is possible that you may experience emotional shock, denial, nightmares, sleeplessness, flashbacks, changes in appetite, difficulty working and concentrating, and feelings of guilt, despair, depression, self-blame, or anger. Feeling overwhelmed is a common response. Survivors may:

  • Feel ashamed
  • Think that the pain will go away
  • Not be sure if what happened was really rape
  • Believe they are responsible in some way

For some survivors, feelings may vacillate between phases of feeling recovered and periods of distress and trauma.

Following an experience of sexual assault, it is important that you not isolate yourself and that you make a positive choice to spend time with people who believe you and support you. Spend time with people who can assist you and who can help you sort out what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Counseling can be helpful for victims of sexual assault. Counseling can provide information about symptoms and issues related to sexual trauma. Counseling can help you develop or reinforce coping skills to assist with emotional regulation, cognitive restructuring, relaxation, mindfulness and stress and fear management. These skills can help the survivor process the traumatic experience and resume successful personal, social and academic functioning.

UB Counseling Services

UB Counseling Services provides support services designed to promote the academic, personal, and social growth of students. The college years are times of accelerated growth, significant challenges, and considerable stress. It is normal, even expected that students will encounter difficult or stressful events. However, when students use the resources available to them, there is a much greater chance of success and overall well-being. Counseling Services are available to all UB undergraduate and graduate students during the academic calendar year. UB Counseling Services offers short-term individual, group, and general support services by qualified mental health professionals. Students in need of long-term support may be referred to an appropriate community provider.

UB counseling staff members are trained and experienced in dealing with issues specific to college students. Many students return to Counseling Services over the course of their time at UB and sometimes may choose to see a different counselor. We understand this need for choice and flexibility; each counselor has something unique to offer at a particular time.

Counseling is a collaborative effort between the counselor and student. Whether this is your first or fifth time here, we encourage you to share with your counselor any questions you have about Counseling Services or the therapy relationship, including how therapy works and how it can be useful to you. Working through and talking about your feelings will be most effective in getting on with your life. Many students find solace by accessing counselors on their campus, in their communities, or online.

Student Health Services

University of Bridgeport Student Health Services offers high quality, student health care for the treatment of acute illnesses and injuries. Serious medical problems are referred to the local hospital emergency room. A medical director, nurse practitioners, and nurses staff the center.

Health Services’ emphasis is geared towards wellness. We offer health education, preventive health screenings, health promotion programs, and immunizations. Students’ individual needs are attended to in a confidential and caring manner. All information and records pertaining to any aspect of a student’s health are strictly confidential.

Office of Civil Rights Compliance: Title IX and Equity

Markus Lake
Title IX and Equity Coordinator
  • Phone203‑576‑4534
  • Email
  • OfficeWahlstrom Library, 7th Floor, Office 704
Alden Minick
Associate Director of Title IX and Equity Compliance
  • Phone860‑727‑6741
  • Email
  • OfficeWahlstrom Library, 7th Floor, Office 706
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