Tips to Help You Succeed in College
You have decided to go to college—excellent decision. A college education can increase your opportunities for success. However, you will find the college learning environment different from that of high school.
Here are some things to remember:
- College is less structured and will require you to use more self-monitoring skills than you needed in high school. There will be no teachers or parents making decisions for you.
- Be prepared to face an increased level of academic competition and to have less contact with your professors.
- You will be the person responsible for your actions, your learning, your successes and your failures as a college student.
Are you a student who has a disability?
If this is the case, you will be dealing with a new and more complex process of external support than ever before. It is vital that you arm yourself with a well thought-out plan and strategies for success long before that first day of class.
As a student with a disability, it is critical that you:
- Understand your disability and how it affects your ability to learn and participate in the college experience.
- Understand your rights and, equally important, your responsibilities as a college student with a disability are also critical to your success.
The office of Student Accessibility Services at UB can help you reach these goals. This office can play a key role in your success and will refer you to other areas on campus where support services are available.
Keep in mind:
- Many students believe that if they are interested in college and motivated to learn, they will be successful—sometimes this is not enough!
- Research shows that most students have not developed a systematic approach to study skills. In college, your instructors will take for granted that you have these skills that you can read, write, listen, take notes, and work on exams and assignments effectively. Successful students have a system. Plan to be a successful student—start college with survival skills!
- No two people learn in exactly the same manner. We all have unique ways of processing information. It is vital that you understand your own learning style and find your keys to success. You’ll need a set of tools that you can utilize to learn, adapt, and create strategies tailored to your personal strengths and unique information processing skills.
- You must understand your own style and accommodate it to be an effective learner and to compete at the postsecondary level. Although some techniques apply to a specific area, it is important to develop strategic problem solving skills that transfer across the curriculum.
Resources to Help You Prepare for College
Now that you are preparing for college and wondering what rights you will have at that level. Your rights as a student change as you enter college. You will no longer benefit from guided academic planning or have the same level of support that you previously received from school personnel. It will be your responsibility to advocate for disability support services and appropriate accommodations. Listed below are links containing helpful information which will help students seeking disability and accommodation requests, successfully make the transition from high school to college.
- A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
- The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET)
- Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
- Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities
- Student Support Services and Tutoring
- AHEADD (Achieving in Higher Education), call 1-877-AHEADD1
- AANE (Asperger’s Association of New England)
- Autism Society
Contact Student Accessibility Services
- Phone203‑576‑4104
Maureen Fox, Manager
Carstensen Hall, Room 103
174 University Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604