reward of a chiropractic school education

Is Getting Your Doctor of Chiropractic Degree Worth It?

The thought of going back to school for three to four years to earn a Doctor of Chiropractic degree may have you questioning if it’s really worth it. Deciding this will depend on your personal and professional goals. Luckily, the chiropractic field has many aspects that make it a desirable and fulfilling career.

What Does Chiropractic School Entail?

In order to decide if getting a Doctor of Chiropractic degree is worth it, you need to know what chiropractic school entails. A Chiropractic Doctorate (D.C.) is a graduate level degree that can take three to four years to complete. In order to be admitted to a chiropractic program, students need to make sure they meet the educational requirements. Once admitted to a chiropractic school, students can expect to take intensive classes in subjects such as Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, and Chemistry. They will learn clinical sciences as they advance in their program, including adjustments. This prepares them to do clinical rotations and treat patients.

Valuable Knowledge Gained

In addition to learning what’s necessary to be a licensed chiropractor, attending Chiropractic School will give you valuable knowledge into medicine and research. During your degree, you will learn how to research issues as they arise with your patients and interpret your findings. Additionally, the faculty in Chiropractic Schools are often engaged in research themselves. As a student, you will have the opportunity to network and perhaps even collaborate with a professor on a research project. This will give you both hands-on experience and unmatched knowledge.

High Job Growth Rate

Chiropractors are expected to see a 10% growth in employment from 2021 to 2031 as more people seek less invasive approaches to pain management. It helps that Chiropractors can do so much with their degree. They can work as primary care providers, with professional athletes, in veterinary medicine, and academia. You can read more about what you can do with your Doctor of Chiropractic degree here.

Ability to Provide Specialized Services

Some Chiropractic schools will set you up for success with dual degree programs so you can provide specialized services and increase your marketability. At University of Bridgeport, Chiropractic students can earn either a Master’s in Acupuncture or Master’s in Human Nutrition alongside their doctorate degree.

Dual Role as Educator and Healer

If you decide to pursue academia, you can have a dual role as both an educator and healer. By working full time or adjunct at a Chiropractic school, you can inspire the next generation of chiropractors. You can also simultaneously run your own practice. As a professor, you will be instrumental in helping your students with networking to find jobs after graduation. You can also mentor them as they consider the many different specialties within the chiropractic field.

Flexible Schedule

If you decide to open your own practice, you can have a flexible schedule and decide when you see patients. You can set your hours to be later or earlier, depending on your preferences. You could also decide to work weekends in exchange for being closed a couple weekdays to accommodate workers’ schedules. For vacations, you can simply move your patients around to accommodate the days you need off.

Is Pursuing a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree Worth it?

If you’re looking for a career with growth, to help people, and a flexible schedule, then it may be worth it for you! Take the next step and submit your free application online or email with questions.