How is AI Influencing and Impacting Jobs

How is AI Impacting the Job Market for College Graduates?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of artificial intelligence in today’s job market is almost inescapable as it becomes increasingly popular in all facets of peoples’ lives and work.

From personalized shopping recommendations on popular eCommerce sites to smartphone digital assistants, artificial intelligence has changed the way we interact and perform tasks. It is well on the way to reshaping society as a whole.

Furthermore, as the number of jobs requiring more advanced technological and analytics skills grows, low-skilled positions face the risk of obsolescence.

Today’s article will explore artificial intelligence, how it impacts jobs, and how students can best prepare themselves for an artificial intelligence-centric workforce.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) are intelligent machines and systems that perform tasks that until now have been completed through human intelligence, like playing games or understanding natural language.

These machines and systems process algorithms made up of extensive computing power and massive amounts of data in order to automate routine tasks, solve problems, streamline processes, recognize and classify images, pattern and speech recognition, make predictions, and even make decisions.

Unlike previous technology that automated physical tasks, artificial intelligence acts more like human brain power to assist or perform tasks in all industries and jobs, from the business and technology sectors to education and beyond.

How Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impacting Jobs?

Artificial intelligence and its impact on individuals largely depend on their industry and job position. Industries that rely on manual labor and routine tasks are more at risk of replacement than industries that solve complex problems and need high-level critical thinking skills.

Positive Effects of Artificial Intelligence

While professionals and students alike have valid concerns about artificial intelligence and its influence on their job outlook, there are many positive aspects of utilizing this technology.

Artificial intelligence enables people to work with increased productivity and efficiency, especially with manual, repetitive tasks, such as customer service answering applications, budget analysis, and copywriting.

By using artificial intelligence to handle these more straightforward tasks, individuals can spend their time, energy, and brain power on more complex, advanced problems. All of these help them work smarter, not harder, and accomplish more at the same time.

Furthermore, by maximizing their time and accomplishing more tasks, employees and companies alike increase a business’ overall revenue, which can lead to promotions, bonuses, and growth of the company overall.

Lastly, as our world increasingly uses artificial intelligence, we will need more individuals who are trained, skilled, and qualified in designing, implementing, and maintaining artificial intelligence.

Careers and jobs using artificial intelligence, including computer and information research scientists and software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers, are becoming extremely popular, in-demand, and financially lucrative career paths with employment growth rates of twenty-three percent and twenty-five percent to 2032 and median annual salaries of $136,620 and $127,260, respectively. All facts and figures are reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Adverse Effects of Artificial Intelligence

While there are many positives to artificial intelligence, we must recognize the challenges it presents to the job market, especially if used incorrectly or unethically.

For example, many individuals are rightfully concerned with the bias and discrimination in artificial intelligence algorithms, especially in hiring practices where they may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups of people. Not to mention concerns about how these systems collect, use, store, and protect this information.

Another big concern involves the automation and displacement of jobs. The more we use artificial intelligence to do simple tasks like data entry, customer service, and basic analysis, the more likely companies will cease hiring individuals to fill those positions, especially at the entry level.

How Can Students Prepare Themselves for an Artificial Intelligence-Centric Workforce?

We cannot answer with certainty if artificial intelligence will lead to job losses, especially if we strive to use it to complement workers, not replace them. However, students should prepare themselves in school to understand and utilize artificial intelligence so that they are familiar with and skilled when they enter the workforce.

In fact, many career-centered colleges and universities, like University of Bridgeport, are already utilizing artificial intelligence in education in a number of ways, including:

  • Administrative support: Colleges and universities power student record systems, transportation, information technology (IT), maintenance, scheduling, budgeting, financial aid, advising, career opportunities, and more with artificial intelligence.
  • Personalized learning: Students can utilize around-the-clock virtual learning experiences run by artificial intelligence to customize and receive information at their own pace. This helps them succeed in the classroom, and understanding how they learn and work best will benefit them long after graduation.
  • Research support: By using artificial intelligence research support tools, students can find the information they need quickly, allowing them to maximize their study time and earn higher grades overall. All of which will translate into their careers when their employers require demanding deadlines.

Ultimately, students should use their time in school to explore and implement artificial intelligence tools alongside the education, knowledge, and skills they learn from their professors.

We recommend students pay attention to the tools they use most, ask questions, and stay focused on how they can use artificial intelligence positively instead of thinking about how it may or may not replace their future careers. Don’t be afraid of artificial intelligence. Instead, embrace how it can make you work smarter, accomplish more, and prove you are a valuable asset in your future job and career.

At University of Bridgeport, we strive to ensure our students are prepared and up-to-date on all advances in their chosen field through our dedicated faculty, staff, and comprehensive support services.

Find out more information by contacting us today. We’re ready when you are!