how to have a healthier relationship with social media

5 Strategies for Cultivating a Healthier Relationship with Social Media

Love it or hate it, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook offer platforms for connection, information sharing, and self-expression. Approximately 72% of Americans use social media on a daily basis, and we can only assume that number will continue increasing as smart phones get ever-smarter and social media apps continue to innovate and evolve.

Social media platforms certainly have value, but alongside their benefits come a well-documented range of negative effects on our mental well-being. Excessive usage has been linked to depression and anxiety. From feelings of inadequacy fueled by comparison to constant notifications demanding our attention, navigating social media can sometimes feel overwhelming.

In a world that relies so heavily on smart phones and social media, it can be difficult to prioritize your mental health. Let’s explore the intersection of social media and mental health and delve into five effective strategies to help you establish healthy boundaries in the endless digital realm.

1. Limit your screen time


Social media offers constant dopamine hits and an endless algorithm of interesting, engaging content. As a result, it can feel near impossible to put your phone down — but it’s important that we all take a break from “doom scrolling” for the sake of our mental well-being.

A good way to manage your screen time is to set a schedule with designated phone breaks penciled in throughout the day. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” to put a halt to tempting notifications or utilize phone blocking apps, which allow you to block specific apps or websites for a set period of time. These tools can reduce distractions, enabling you to stay focused on essential tasks or take a break from the overwhelming and infinite stream of information.

2. Designate tech-free zones


Curb your phone usage by designating “tech-free zones” in your home. This creates physical boundaries that encourage you to disconnect and focus on other activities.
For instance, having a phone-free kitchen can promote more mindful eating and meaningful conversations during meals. Similarly, keeping your work desk free from distractions like phones can enhance productivity and concentration.

By establishing these tech-free zones, you create opportunities to engage more fully with the present moment and improve your overall well-being.

3. Unfollow or mute negativity


Just because you chose to follow someone six years ago on Instagram doesn’t mean you have to keep up with their content today. You are allowed to unfollow people you no longer speak to or those flooding your feed with negativity — in fact, you should!

You can shape your algorithm by filtering out accounts regularly bringing negativity to your screen and instead choosing to follow sources that uplift and inspire you.

As you trim the accounts you follow, make sure to consider not only those posting negative content, but also those that inspire negative feelings of your own. The relentless algorithm continuously presents you with glimpses into other people’s lives, potentially conjuring up feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. While we all know that social media often portrays curated versions of reality showcasing only the highlights, resisting the urge to compare your life to what you see on the screen can still be a challenge. It’s perfectly valid and healthy to unfollow people or content that is triggering to you in any way.

Ultimately, you should never feel guilty about muting or unfollowing people! This is YOUR feed, and you should curate it to your personal and mental health needs.



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4. Be mindful


Mindfulness is the practice of living in the present moment and observing your thoughts without judging them. This form of meditative thinking can greatly reduce stress and improve your well-being. It’s important to remain mindful while you’re scrolling through social media, which can in turn help you avoid getting lost in endless scrolling sessions — preventing the crushing realization that you’ve spent five full hours glued to your phone screen.

It’s imperative that you set clear intentions when interacting with social media platforms. De-center yourself from the content you’re engaging with. Instead, regard the content as something separate from you and your own life so you don’t fall victim to comparison or becoming too easily influenced.

Be sure to avoid mindless scrolling — pay attention to the content you’re consuming and how it makes you feel. Stay aware and present to ensure a positive social media experience. Remaining aware while scrolling helps you notice any negative thoughts that arise, signaling it’s time to disconnect. “Doomscrolling” is often mindless and numbing; we scroll and scroll for hours without wondering how the content we’re watching is making us feel. Staying mindful while consuming allows you to understand which content is helpful for you and which content is hurtful. As you bring more awareness to your social media consumption, make sure to refer to step three and unfollow the accounts that don’t add value to your feed.

5. Get offline


And the best tip of all — get offline! It’s easy to say but always worth repeating: disconnect from your phone and unwind. Dedicate time to hobbies, exercise, spending time with loved ones, or other offline activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Balancing online and offline activities can help reduce dependence on social media for emotional validation and connection.

There’s a great big world beyond the screen of your cell phone, and it’s important that you go forth and prosper in it! Social media can be a great tool for connection, education, and entertainment, but at the end of the day, there’s no greater mood booster than getting outside and connecting with people IRL!


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